So glad you've come...

Welcome to Tigressland, my own personal little corner of the Internet where I hang out expressing my views about the smaller things in life. No controversy here (I'm saving that for the book lol) just the everyday minutiae that add up to my rather unpredictable, but always fun, life! So pull up a cushion and come chill.....and follow! We bloggers love it when you follow ;-) ~Tigress

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Testing positive

Well it’s still all go in the Tigress household.

See I've dropped off the parents at the airport and picked up the youngest offspring who is now here until the middle of April. While the elders were seen off without a hitch, the airline seems to have lost Lil Blondie’s luggage, but as much as this is rather inconvenient, I can’t help but simply feel grateful that her plane landed safely with all on board intact, unlike other recent aircraft flitting about the skies. 

My thoughts and healing vibes are with the families of those killed in the recent air tragedy in the French Alps.

It’s a funny thing gratitude; for many people it seems to only turn up in times of extreme events, and unfortunately for some, it never turns up at all.

People seem to find it so hard to appreciate what they have...and I find this sad.

If I sat down and thought about it, I have a long list of things I could be thoroughly miserable about. But for each and every one I have something to be grateful for. So if I am going to rabbit on about being grateful, best I lead by example. Here are the negatives and counter-positives in my life as I see them.

Negative 1: I've had cancer and it may come back one day.

Positive 1: My cancer taught me to appreciate my life at a base level and not feel guilty about cleansing negative energy from it. The fact that it may come back reminds me that the word ‘may’ is very different from the word ‘will’.

N2: I don’t get to see my children as often as I used to now I live in Australia.

P2: I have the Internet/Facebook to communicate with Miss 19 and see Lil Blondie every school holidays. I get to spend quality time with her now, much more than I did when I was a burned out single Mum.

N3: I have a painful degenerative spondyloarthritis condition that requires I take daily medication to manage and limits the amount and type of physical activity I can do.

P3: I can still walk, talk, hug people, write, type, think, read, exercise (within reason), drive, wash and dress myself, kiss, make love, laugh, feed myself, do housework, see, hear, touch, taste, smell and many other things that many other people cannot do. I am lucky.

N4: I have Fibromyalgia. I am frequently tired and sore and have multiple digestive difficulties. I sometimes have poor concentration and cannot even remember what the start of my sentence was.

P4: Refer P3

N5: My partner (Kevman) works away for part of the month and I miss him a lot.

P5: I have a partner who loves me very much and messages me every single day. Every three weeks I get to pick him up from the airport and it feels wonderful! Even the anticipation is delicious. I get to miss him and be reminded how much I feel for him. Yet I get to remain independent and am able to focus on my individual pursuits.

N6: I cannot maintain a full time job due to my health and family/partner commitments.

P6: I'm having time to get diagnoses and the health assistance I need as well as learn the best way to manage my body for maximum results. I have time to read and write as well as investigate healthier eating (reeeeally need to do this more). I also get to spend a whole week with my partner as well as have time to do craft and volunteer work. I am also investigating an online business with Miss 19.

N7: I cannot fix all the problems in the world that worry me.

P7: I can sign petitions, keep learning, practice tolerance and understanding, do my part in spreading love, education, positivity and joy where I can and encourage others to do the same. I can be the change I want to see.

N8: I sat down to write today feeling decidedly average.

P8: I now feel lucky, motivated, appreciative and just a squidge more in love than before (impossible I thought).

So I leave you with a challenge: Write down five things you are grateful for every day for 21 days.

Feel your life change

Tell me all about it! On here or on my Facebook page:

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