Guess what time of year it is...
Oh you noticed.
So what gave it away? Was it the sudden
influx of tinsel strangled trees that began loitering in every lounge room and business
across the nation? Maybe it was the endless round of bell jangling Christmas
songs on the radio....or perhaps it was the TV commercials.....the
many, many, many TV commercials designed to guilt every parent alive into
buying their children even more crap they don’t need.
The endless countdowns on Facebook don't exactly keep it a secret either
It's like a month of pure insanity and cortisol producing mayhem
The endless countdowns on Facebook don't exactly keep it a secret either
It's like a month of pure insanity and cortisol producing mayhem
All that fighting off of millions of other
shoppers for bargains and car parks; that extra cool (not) dwindling of the bank
account right before your very eyes; not to mention the planning of who’s going
to be where and when and what the hell they will be’s not like that’s
stressful at all.
But it’s not all bad news. I felt, as Tigress, it was my
duty to my, possibly stressed out, readers to put a more positive spin on things, So here they are, The Tigress's 12 positives
of a modern Christmas.
1, Ageism takes a break (sexism doesn’t,
but ageism does), I mean when else is it cool to be old, fat and unshaven! Some
guys must wait all year for this.
2, If you’re an Atheist, Hindu, Muslim, Jew,
Buddhist or other Non standard Christian in the West you get a free holiday for
no reason at all (shame we can’t pay for everyone’s religious hols but that would
kinda screw the economy – though feel free to swipe December 25th to
celebrate whatever you like ....apparently the Christians did ;-))
3, Leftovers: ham and trifle for days, it’s
4, No one expects you to diet. If you’re
gonna fall off the wagon in a food consuming capacity, today is the day to do it, not a
frown will be cast....they'll be too busy stuffing food in it.
5, Christmas lights (oh come on, who doesn't
like Christmas lights?? GTFO à)
6, If you propose at Christmas, you'll never
forget the date....well played.
7, You get a chance to buy small tokens of
appreciation for people you kinda fancy without coming off as weird or
8, Family dramas can be the inspiration for a book or movie plot
9, You can be thankful for having a small
house: nowhere to put relatives, good excuse not to host the whole shebang, less space to clean up if you do.
10, If you live in a place where Christmas
is in summer you get to point and laugh at all your northern friends freezing
their asses off.
11, If the cat destroys your Christmas tree, at least it makes for an amusing Facebook video....not to mention the revenge of dressing said cat up as a reindeer and circulating that pic too.
12, Mistletoe.....whether over your head or
in your back pocket, may it achieve the desired results ;-)
Happy holidays everyone <3 Bring on 2015!